Friday, November 19, 2010

Muslims Exempted From Porn Scanners & Pat-Downs

Our  rulers subject Americans, including babies, old ladies, and nuns to those full-body porn scanners or  sexual molestation by TSA agents. Ben Johnson of Floyd Reports writes on November 15, 2010:
“ has reported that Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) — which is frequently tied to domestic terror plots — has been guaranteed that TSA officials will only pat down Muslim women in the head and neck area.

“ has reported that Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) which is frequently tied to domestic terror plots has been guaranteed that TSA officials will only pat down Muslim women in the head and neck area.
CAIR said Muslims who object to full-body scans for religious reasons should know their rights if they are required to undergo a pat-down, including asking for the procedure to be done in a private place. In addition, CAIR offered a “special recommendation” for Muslim women who wear a hijab, telling them they should tell the TSA officer that they may be searched only around the head and neck.
“Before you are patted down, you should remind the TSA officer that they are only supposed to pat down the area in question, in this scenario, your head and neck. They SHOULD NOT subject you to a full-body or partial-body pat-down.”
Muslim women will likely opt for the not-very-invasive security pat-down, because most consider airports’ high-image body scans a violation of Islamic Shari’a law. CNS News adds, “In February, the Figh Council of North America, a group of Islamic scholars, issued a fatwa, or religious ruling, that full-body scanners violate Islamic law.”

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