Tuesday, November 30, 2010

WikiLeaks under new 

cyber attack


 Whistleblower website WikiLeaks on Tuesday claimed to be the victim of a fresh cyber attack, just days after it made public more than 250,000 confidential U.S. cables.

Information about the attack appeared on the twitter account of WikiLeaks.
"We are currently under another DDOS attack," the whistleblower told its followers.
Ahead of the release of the secret cables on Sunday, WikiLeaks also experienced a cyber attack, however it was soon repelled.
The current attack is much more powerful than the previous one. "DDOS attack now exceeding 10 Gigabits a second," WikiLeak's twitter read.
The main suspect in the leak of the documents, along with the previous logs, is jailed U.S. Private Bradley Manning, who had top-secret clearance as an intelligence analyst for the Army when he was stationed in Iraq.
Pentagon investigators believe Manning accessed a worldwide military classified Internet and e-mail system to download the documents.
Manning was charged in June with several violations of the U.S. Criminal Code for allegedly transferring classified data without authorization.
The WikiLeaks website does not have a central office or any paid staff and its operations are run only by a small dedicated team and some 800 volunteers.
Wikileaks' founder, Australian activist Julian Assange, has no home address but he often pops up in Sweden and Iceland, where Internet anonymity is protected by law. He is being hunted by Pentagon investigators and is suspected of releasing confidential U.S. State Department documents.
MOSCOW, November 30 (RIA Novosti)





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