Friday, December 31, 2010


Crystal Harris does not plan children with Hugh Hefner

The Future of "Playboy" - Founder Hugh Hefner, Crystal Harris wants no children. "I've never been someone who wanted children," said the 24 - Year-old in an interview with "E! Online.

You have a lot of projects in which they work and that made her fun. These projects they will pursue.

Harris said the two would like to marry in the summer. There should be an event in a small circle, with "close friends and family." For a marriage contract, Harris would have nothing. "I have my music and other things that I do -
so if he wants it, go ahead. I know about such things anyway. And I do not care. "

The 84-year-old Hefner had in the past year by the Playmate Kimberly Conrad divorce, with whom he was married since 1989. They have two sons and lived together for eleven years already separated. The marriage to Harris would Hefner third marriage. Also originate from his first two children.


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