Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rat plague in London's Downing Street

Apparently you're in London never more than a few yards from a rat - so it is with the British Prime Minister Cameron. Because the rat and plague of mice at the seat of government Downing Street out of hand but is there now thinking about getting a cat. This would be the newspaper "Daily Mail" not a pet, according to Cameron's three children, but would have to go out on patrol.

A spokesman for Cameron said there was still no decision. The paper said to be the first example to check whether the employee, no one is allergic to cats.

The former MP Ann Widdecombe was on Wednesday in the Daily Telegraph, shows that it is high time. Mice and rats are everywhere in the historic building for the most part government area. The TV Journalists who report regularly in front of Cameron's house 10 Downing Street sighted, lately more and more rats. Often sneak into even the TV picture - However, you have to look quite carefully to identify them.

The last British government Feline friend the cat lover in the country was among more than 14 years ex- Prime Minister Tony Blair in Downing Street went on patrol. It was called "Humphrey" and is said to have been thrown out of Blair's wife Cherie.


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