Saturday, January 15, 2011

Are You Smarter Than Your Congress? 
Prove It!

Looks like our elected officials are failing at all sorts of things. Latest on the FAIL list is knowledge of the Constitution. Since many are required to swear (or affirm) an oath to uphold that document, you’d think that they’d know a bit about it. But then again, you might also think that most U.S. citizens would know at least a bit about what’s in the Constitution, right?
But you’d be wrong on both counts.
“The bad news: the general public gets an F, with just a 49% average on the 33-question civics test. The worse news: those who identified themselves as public officeholders scored an average of five points worse than the general public…”
Here’s the link. You take the quiz and then see how smart you feel. On the other hand, you’re sure to do better than our elected officials.
You could hardly do worse.




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