Saturday, February 19, 2011

FBI Says There Is A 100% Chance of WMD Attack Days After San Diego Nuke Story

Just days after Al Hallor, San Diego assistant port director and an officer with Customs and Border Protection, admitted that weapons of “mass effect” had entered a port somewhere in the San Diego area, Dr. Vahid Majidi, the FBI’s assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate has stated that there is a 100% chance of a WMD attack in America.

Dr. Majidi seemed eerily sure of an imminent attack in America.

“The notion of probability of a WMD attack being low or high is a moot point because we know the probability is 100 percent,” Majidi says. “We’ve seen this in the past, and we will see it in the future. There is going to be an attack using chemical, biological or radiological material.”

With documented evidence that Al Qaeda was created by western intelligence and that the FBI has literally given lone wolf terrorists multiple bombs, the idea that the assistant director in charge of the FBI’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate is openly declaring a WMD attack will happen should raise alarms throughout America.
While Majidi did say terrorists would most likely employ chemical, biological, or radiological weapons rather than a nuclear device, the idea that a major nuke could go off in an American city is nothing new.
On February 9th, ABC 10News in San Diego interviewed Al Hallor about security issues at a San Diego Port. Hallor then went on to drop a bombshell, admitting that an unnamed government agency had recovered a weapon of mass effect in the last year.
have ran a watered down verison of the original story.

The rumors of missing nukes, illegally transported on a B-52 from Minot AFB to Barksdale AFB in Louisiana, have lent credibility to the fact that rogue elements within our government and the Israeli government are planning some sort of nuclear “false flag.”
In early August, Gordon Duff writing for Veterans Today warned of a possible nuclear attack which involved Israel, Pakistan and Iran.

“The National Research Council, part of the National Academy of Science, heavy on politics and light on science, announced that America was no longer able to track nukes threatening our shores.  Their report titled Nuclear Forensics: A Capability at Risk, released last week, outlines the details of a secret study requested by the Departments of Homeland Security, Defense and Energy, specifically the National Nuclear Security Administration.” 

Essentially the report highlighted the fact that if a nuclear bomb was detonated we would be unable to tell who made it.
“Another piece of the puzzle involved a federal task force, Defense, Energy, FBI, descending on a warehouse in Greenfield, Indiana under the guise of a “records search.”  This “Waco style” assault on a facility storing furniture for college dorm rooms was much more than it seemed.  No case, criminal or civil, provided any underlying reason for the search,” wrote Duff.
Listen to our early August interview with Gordon Duff here.
Similar to the months leading up to 9/11, the public is being conditioned to accept the fact that a nuclear or biological weapon of mass destruction WILL go off in an American city in the very near future. This is absolutely unacceptable considering Homeland Security is installing a police state throughout America yet somehow cannot stop cave dwelling ninjas?

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