Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"Syria is not Libya"



Only with great effort is devoted to the Security Council of violence in Syria. The security forces of President Bashar al- Assad should have been shot dead hundreds of protesters. Whether in New York a planned press release views of the consent of the 15 Council members has failed, or the opposition a veto power, according to estimates by diplomats completely open.

In the design of sanctions is the question. He only condemned the brutality of the regime in Damascus against its own people and calls for an end to the bloodshed. But even this modest step, the two veto-wielding Russia and China, and Lebanon, currently the only Arab country in the Council, not yet join. Beirut waits for the question nevertheless consent of the Arab League. Beijing has always been reluctant when it came to responding to domestic political problems of other countries. And Russia hesitates when it comes to further pressure on the long-time ally Syria. Moscow makes no secret of his displeasure with the international action against the regime of Muammar al- Gaddafi in Libya.

Whether the Arab world will double standards, was UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon on Tuesday night in New York asked. Had the demonstrators in Syria the same entitlement to assistance offered to the people of Libya, the Security Council by its resolutions 1970 (penalties) and 1973 (military action) in February and March? "Unfortunately, we now have several of these cases in the Middle East and North Africa," said the chief diplomat. "Everyone seems to have different backgrounds and different kind."

Indeed, Libya's rulers denied the Gaddafi regime opponents in his country any type of reform. He threatened that his people would go from street to street and house to house and arrest all the opponents, if necessary kill. Now that even the Arab League of Gaddafi had been averted, the UN decided to Security for an international military action to protect Libyan civilians.

Syria's Assad replied that they would reform-ready, but has taken no decisive change in eleven years. Assad makes foreign schemers for the situation in his country responsible. His UN Ambassador Bashar Jaafari, said that armed groups mingled with the demonstrators and fired on the military. "Through it comes to the many dead." The American UN Ambassador Susan Rice noted again that Assad is support from Iran leave. Damascus turn to the same brutal measures to keep Tehran in check his people.

The fact that the Security Council now with Syria, is also due to the driving force of Germany. Berlin had put itself in the sanctions to the wheel, the mandate for the military campaign against Tripoli, but did a bicycle kick. Now the Foreign Office worked together with London, Paris and Lisbon, the draft of the Syria- Declaration. "The events in Syria simply require the Council's attention," says the German UN Ambassador Peter Wittig. From German diplomatic sources said that the meeting on Wednesday of the Security Council was a milestone reached.

Whether in the end, sanctions follow? Completely ruled out it is not. In the case of Libya, just four days went from mild press statement to the adoption of sanctions. The UN Chief warns against excessive expectations in this regard. "Syria is not Libya," Ban said.

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