Saturday, April 30, 2011

The President's Speech Trailer


At the 2011 White House Correspondents' Association Dinner, President Barack Obama jokes about a sequel to the film the King's Speech that hits closer to home. The President offers a sneak peak of the parody at the annual event.


The White House Correspondent’s Dinner, an annual tradition where the media and political elite meet to roast/congratulate each other, with mixed results, just finished up. Saturday Night Live’s Seth Meyers hosted the event, and you should be able to watch replays on C-SPAN if you’re interested.
One new twist to the proceedings: The White House, which normally plays along with the event even though the chief occupant gets ribbed, has gone all in. Immediately after showing this video — a parody trailer based on the “The King’s Speech” — at the event, they released it on YouTube (via Twitter, of course).
The bit isn’t LOL-worthy, IMHO. But it does contain jokes, and I think it’s noteworthy that they’re putting this out there for public consumption, at a time when much of the electorate seems particularly… susceptible to jokes. Even more so if they’re easily accessible via Google.

Meanwhile, you can see all 17 minutes of Obama’s presentation here

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