Friday, May 20, 2011

Playboy for iPad goes live, every issue as nature (and Hugh) intended!


Bang on time as per Hugh Hefner’s recent tweet, Playboy for iPad is now live. As we thought, it is a web app rather than an App Store app. The site designed specifically for the iPad, contains every single back issue of Playboy. These are not cut down versions of each magazine either; they contain every word and page that appeared in the printed version and every woman ever photographed.
To get access to the content, you have to subscribe and there are various options for this. If you are prepared to sign up for 2 years, it will cost you $100. 1 year is $60. If you only want to commit for a month at a time, the price is $8.
There is a video demo on the home page which shows how the site works on the iPad. It looks to have been implemented really well with easy navigation and page scrolling. This is not just a website!


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