Monday, June 20, 2011

"Facebook "parties in Germany escalate


It started with harmless so-called flash mobs.One of them met Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) in September 2009 in Hamburg known as a mobilized on Twitter amount every sentence of her campaign speech with a loud "Yeah" drew ridicule. 

Three weeks ago, followed - also on the Elbe - the 16 - year-old Thessa, with its accidental party invitation to a massive Facebook - attracted about 1,600 people on the mailing her home and since then Facebook "fed up" has.

Police using pepper spray against escalated Facebook Party

In Wuppertal, were at the weekend called Ultras, radical football fans, an initially peaceful Facebook Party tip: Bottles flew, Bengal lights were burning.Police drumming brought reinforcements from surrounding towns and put a pepper spray.16 injured and 41 rioters in police custody - that's the balance sheet.

Were uninvited party guests have been around forever, but with online social networks like Facebook has the mouth- to- mouth propaganda get a huge digital amplifier. "There is a new phenomenon," says a spokesman for North Rhine- Westphalian Ministry of the Interior.NRW Interior Minister Ralf Jäger (SPD) sees this as a "form of youth culture." He also advises to consider in view of the images from Wuppertal exactly what one is getting into.

Facebook parties as a global "phenomenon"

With the phenomenon it has nothing to police throughout the world: In Sydney streets were cordoned off because of the 20,000 people invited to a 15 - year-olds had promised.Harpenden in England there was police protection for a 14 - year-olds by 21 000 commitments.In France, the developed Facebook- meeting to mass boozing with up to 10,000 participants.In Nantes, came in the wake of a party when a drunk falling off a bridge were killed.
The police in North Rhine- Westphalia provides the municipalities have a duty: " The need to consider whether a threat posed by an event and they must be banned, " says the Interior Ministry in Düsseldorf.That was a few days ago in Aachen is the case, over 1,800 Partywütige their coming had been promised in a park before the city pulled the emergency brake.500 young people came anyway, and celebrated in the city.
In the Westphalian Lünen had a similar ban at the weekend did not call because he was connected with the political demands for more freedom for young people and thus fell under the right to protest: There were, however, only very few protesters.
In Dusseldorf, a man wanted for the newly imposed ban on the grill Rhine with a mass protest crickets.The city was able to find the man and put him a "user fee" and the bill for the cleanup costs in view. "He is then backtracked and the bad weather has given the plan the rest," says a spokesman for the city.

Police "feared" the right-wing extremists

But the authorities can not always figure out who is behind a Facebook account infected.The German police union sees the officials at the edge of their possibilities and fears that extremists could exploit this.The police personnel could respond with such spontaneous events do not like about applications for registration of demonstrations, the union said.Initiators would have quickly taken for the cost of recourse can be - if necessary through new legislation calls for the union. (APA)

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