Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Starbucks releases new mobile payment app for Android



Sweet mother of all things caffeinated -- the Starbucks Android app is finally in the Android Market. And it's everything our jittery hands could have dreamed of.
When you first launch the app, you'll be asked if you want to log in, sign up for an account, or continue without an account. We logged in (as any good over-paying coffee drinking would do) and then were greeted with the option to enter any Starbucks cards. Your phone will then display the card's barcode, which you can have scanned in a store to pay for your coffee. (Who needs NFC?)
You can also check your balance, add your credit card information and refill your Starbucks card that way, check your transaction history, find a store on Google Maps, track your Stars in the My Starbucks Rewards program, and basically do everything you'd expect to be able to do with a proper Starbucks Android app.
A couple of caveats: U.S. only, for now. And you can only have a card on one phone at a time. If you want to reload someone else's card, you'll need to do it from a proper browser.
That's it, folks. We're off for a triple vanilla latte (and maybe a cinnamon twist, if we're feeling saucy). Download links and screen shots are after the break!

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