Saturday, June 18, 2011

Small planes help protect homes when fires break out 

The Swallow Fire that burned nine homes in Ruidoso could have been a lot worse, according to fire officials.

All the ingredients of another White Fire, which burned more than 10,000 acres, were there. But firefighters got some help from above, and helped turn the tide to save more homes than were lost.

Two 1,300 horsepower single-engine air tankers, or SEATS, sit at the Sierra Blanca Airport near Ruidoso waiting for the call.

Crews are expected to be airborne within 15 minutes.

On Thursday, the call came in around 2:30 for the Swallow Fire when it started about eight miles away.

Pilots suited up, ground crews filled up and in less than 10 minutes, the planes were en route. Hundreds of gallons of fire retardant began raining down on the fire line.

SEATs can carry as much as 800 gallons of retardant. With cockpit controls, pilots have pinpoint accuracy, and can decide how much is dropped in one pass.

The planes can maneuver around personnel and target structures to help protect lives and property.

The SEATs have been placed at a number of airports around New Mexico and can provide air support anywhere in the state within minutes.

The Lincoln National Forest has contracted the SEATs near Ruidoso because of the extreme fire danger.


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