Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Terror in Norway - The network of anti- Islam Blogger


Days after the atrocity of Oslo reveals that the world view of the alleged assassin Anders Breivik Behring closely on a network of anti- Islamic blogs based.

In the 1,500-page print "manifesto" that Breivik published shortly before the murder, he uses long passages from Scandinavian, English and German websites.

Blog "Gates of Vienna"

In his text Breivik is committed to the "Viennese school of thought" - a reference to the blog "Gates of Vienna". The Internet platform assumes that Islam, Christian Europe is overrun should the Muslims do not like to be defeated before 1683 "the gates of Vienna". It is in a "new phase of a very old war," says the theme of the website. The anonymous authors describe themselves as "proud Islamophobes" as well as conservatives and devout Christians who speak out for Israel and against Palestinian rights to statehood.

Posters give Islam the blame

Call after the assassination of the Oslo Blog Indeed, the authors as a terrible throw, but doubts about the relationship of the perpetrator. Breivik was probably instigated the crime and armed. Who could be behind this, the authors of "Gates of Vienna" is left to the users of the Discussion Forum: "What would motivate someone to do something like that I can think of only one ideology - Islam, "wrote a poster on Saturday.

Breivik comments as self- Schreiber active

Targeting of attention after the murder, the anti- Islamic document.no platform of the Norwegian publisher Hans Ruhstad. Breivik on the page had more than 70 published comments with political content. The suspected bomber had entered into contact with him, Ruhstad reported after the fact. Breivik has come to a meeting of the editorial team of the website, and had offered his help. However, he has not made a "stable" impression, and that there had been no further meetings with him, so the publisher. From the comments of the alleged assassin for Ruhstad has no indication of a planned attack can be read out. Sun Breivik against racism and ethnocentric ideas had occurred, in which immigration will be rejected for 'other cultures'. "Actually there is nothing in the works of Behring Breivik, suggesting that his violence," according to document.no.

Relevant Bloggers distance themselves

As a "favorite author" refers to the alleged assassin blogger Fjordman, a regular guest author on "Gates of Vienna" and other anti- Islamic websites. Immediately after the murder was the blogger who is only known by his pseudonym, and also likely to come from Norway, has been described in media reports as a possible culprit. In his manifesto Breivik has long passages from publications cited Mans fjord. In a letter on Monday dismissed a connection with Fjordman Breivik by itself. He was "absolutely appalled" by the attacks and did not know Breivik, said in a blog entry. At the same time Fjordman pointed out that there is no "moderate Islam" and warned against the immigration of Muslims into Europe. In his blog, the author had previously described Islam as "parasitic" phenomenon, whose followers would try an "invasion" in Western countries. The only solution is to include Muslims in their ancestral countries and to reduce contact with them to the most possible.

German Author Broder quotes

On the reading list of Breivik were also international voices. Among the authors cited in his manifesto is one of the famous German journalist Henryk M. Broder, a columnist of the newspaper "Die Welt", as well as a blogger for the network "Axis of Good" is active. The author was kicked repeatedly in recent years as critics of Muslim immigration in Europe in appearance. Broder wrote that there was a widespread "national hostility" in Germany, which goes hand in hand with contempt for the immigrants to their host country. In his "manifesto" Breivik Broder quoted as saying that young, freedom-loving people should prefer to leave Europe as the continent's resistance should submit to Islam. "I would say again today exactly," said Broder in a reaction to the German newspaper "Tagesspiegel". The media are in a "conspiracy case," said Broder after the attack on his website.
Gave a similar reaction on Saturday on a anti- Islamic blogs in Austria. The coverage of the extremist views of Anders Breivik Behring limit to a restriction of freedom of expression, it says on the blog SOS Austria. It should still be able to criticize Islam, the author who publishes under the pseudonym "derpatriot": "Hiding and looking away at the 'Wutauslöser' prevents certain that no second massacre - No, it not only breeds further 'Wutbürger', but Anders Breivik more! "






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