Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thousands of Portuguese blocking Web Pages from Moody's

For months now rank the three main rating Agencies Standard & Poor's, Fitch and Moody's, the Portuguese government bonds and push down to criticism of the Portuguese government.

Moody's rated Portugal to "junk" - Level down

But after Moody's Last week, long-term Portuguese government bonds at four levels from "Baa1" to "Ba2" almost to "junk" - Level downgraded has now also makes wide discontent among the population. Increasingly aware of the Portuguese is that the negative assessment of their land by the three major U.S. Rating Agencies Portugal forcing the need to pay ever higher interest rates in order to even get to yet fresh money in the capital markets.

Moody's Portuguese send "junk back"

Portuguese media reported today, as attempted in the night from Monday to Tuesday from thousands PortugueseMoody's to block. About Internet Portals such as Facebook attacked thousands of people while on the side in order to paralyze them. A group Portuguese "hackers" tried the Internet Page of U.S. Rating Agency to crack, to block them. About social networks on the Internet and an appeal was launched, Moody's by mail to their "Junk to send back." homepage

Sharp criticism of U.S. Rating Agencies

Portugal's President Anibal Cavaco Silva joined the criticism of his country's people already at the weekend. Cavaco Silva called the last downgrade Portuguese government bondsMoody's "Completely unjustified" and "Scandalous" and calls for a vehement response from the European Union. Like other European leaders and politicians criticized the three Cavaco Silva U.S. Rating Agencies the "Lack of transparency and objectivity," which "A danger to the stability of the European economy" was. by
Criticized in recent days, the EU already Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding said that Europe is the Euro not by three U.S. Private companies may be to ruin. Meanwhile, Germany's finance minister said Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU): "We need the oligopoly of Rating Agencies "break. The rescue of ailing Euro- Countries such as Greece, Portugal and Italy are the judgments of S & P, Moody's and Fitch Brussels enclosure and kept coming back to aggravate the situation of the countries.

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