Saturday, July 23, 2011

"Anonymous" captured GIS Homepage



The hacker group "Anonymous" has struck again and the home page of (GIS Gebühren Info Service) hacked.

Under was on Friday instead of the front page of the logo of GIS "Anonymous"- Hackers find a blue and pony before the page was taken around noon from the network. In addition, data from GIS Fee payers released from the ranks of the police and the Interior Ministry.

On the backup data from hackers

In an anonymous email reporting that Internet hackers, that they not only hacked the site, but also a complete backup of the GIS Database were created, including all pre- and last names, birth dates and account data. When GIS was expressed anger over the attack. As Herbert said, thinking of the GIS, it was considering, given the costs incurred- and workload, and especially given the publication of sensitive data legal action. Currently it is working on the restoration of GIS Side how long that lasts, was not initially foreseen.

Anonymus already hacked websites of the SPÖ and FPÖ

Just three weeks ago, the Austrian branch of the international "Anonymous"- Group Websites SPÖ and FPÖ paralyzed. 


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