Friday, August 19, 2011

Has Lulzsec's leader, Sabu, finally been revealed?


In response to an article questioning whether Lulzsec's leader, Sabu, was a Twenty-first Century Billy The Kid, information has come to light which poses the question, has his true identity been revealed? There have been several attempts at identifying Sabu, with the resulting information being, apparently, incorrect. However, the latest attempt at Doxing him (posting his private identity details online) has coincided with him going to ground.
Referenced information dates back some ten years and points the finger at a Puerto Rican man living in New York. It goes far beyond what has previously been published but, being uncorroborated, we can't post the details on this site.
Information was gathered using social engineering meaning that apparent references to him on various websites have led to leads on other websites which have linked back to original sources. In short, someone's past has caught up with them. The published documents show "mind maps" on how the evidence stacks up.
What is certain is that shortly after the "dox" were posted Sabu went to ground. Any imminent, forthcoming, high-profile arrest will indicate either that Sabu has truly been identified and that an internet paper trail, no matter how obscure, can be used to track somebody by anyone with enough patience and dedication, or that once again Sabu has given the authorities and his dissenters the slip.
This time, one suspects, we need not wait so long to have the answer.

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