Monday, August 22, 2011

Hackers deface Libya's top level domain registry with anti-Gadaffi message


With heavy fighting reaching the compound of Libyan leader Colonel Gadaffi's compound, hackers have also taken virtual arms overnight and defaced the website of domain name registry
Hackers calling themselves "Electr0n" have defaced the website, the main registry which administers .ly domain names (the ".ly" stands for "Libya") and replaced it with a defiant message:

[+] HACKED By Electr0n[+]

|~| ali monder |~|
bye bye Qadaffi
Feb 17
Greetz to
Dr.exe | Qnix | Rock-Master | LoverBoy | r1z

And All Muslim Hackers :)
The date February 17th relates to when Libyan protesters began their demonstrations only to be shot upon by security forces loyal to Colonel Gadaffi.
Perhaps the most famous site to use the .ly country code as as their top level domain is the url shortening service. Companies which have .ly country codes in their domain name do not appear to been impacted by the hack, which seems to just be a defacement of the main page.

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