Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Anonymous WARNING to NYPD 


The "hacktivist" group Anonymous has directly threatened to attack the NYPD.

"The inhumanity and brutality the NYPD has shown will not be let free," a computerized voice warns in a video released Sunday, referring to recent clashes between #OccupyWallStreet demonstrators and cops. "Learn about what happened to the police force in Egypt when they disregarded human rights. Their end was the people's beginning."
Protesters, entering the eleventh day of their 'occupation' of Zucotti Park near Wall Street, have claimed excessive police force and brutality.
Just yesterday, Anonymous publicly identified a police officer who they say pepper-sprayed female protesters (see video here) marching through Union Square.
Anonymous, who helped spread word of the protests, is giving the NYPD an ultimatum.
"We, as it is our duty to uphold the freedoms of the people will constitute a declaration of war against the NYPD if the brutality does not stop. If we hear of brutality in the next 36 hours then we will take you down from the internet as you have taken the protesters voices from the airwaves."
It's unclear when this 36 hours was supposed to start. According to YouTube, the video was uploaded around 4:30PM on Sunday, putting it at 48 hours and meaning the threat has passed.

It's also unclear what a cyber-attack on the NYPD would look like. An attack on the NYPD website? Does anybody read that thing? (The NYPD's anti-aircraft abilities would be useless against an online onslaught.)
We'd make fun of the video's minute-long Matrix-inspired intro and the over-the-top music, but we don't want to get hacked.
The hackers collective has successfully taken down the websites of MasterCard, Visa, Gawker and The Westboro Baptist Church, and first gained notoriety for their prolonged attack on the Church of Scientology.

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