Thursday, September 15, 2011

Facebook "poaching" now available in Twitter Area


Facebook: entries from one user can be subscribed to without having to be friends with this 

Facebook is flexing the muscles: For the second time this week shows the world's largest online Network competitors, how easy it can offer its members enhanced their core functions.
Facebook announced on Wednesday at the opportunity to subscribe to entries from a user, without having to be friends with this need - The principle of short message service Twitter.

Facebook tries to oust top dog competition

Thus one can now follow the example of better news from artists or politicians, Facebook said in a blog entry. With Facebook, you can also select, in contrast to Twitter, if you want to see all the entries of a user or only the most important.
Only on Tuesday had the thrust of the new Facebook + Google rivals countered with the possibility to sort his friends better. And is it also goes one better: If Facebook will be the lists of names of work colleagues, family members or classmates created automatically, based on information that they have made on Facebook. So Facebook is aimed at the core message of Google Network that would stand out to start doing just that, giving users more control over who sees their records.

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