Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Facebook Partners With U.S. Labor Market, Hopes To Find People Jobs


During the recent Web 2.0 Summit LinkedIn Chariman Reid Hoffman suggested that Facebook can’t compete with his company’s business model but now it’s being reported that the world’s largest social network has partnered with the U.S. Labor Department for that very reason.
At this time it’s still unclear exactly how Facebook will integrate new employee/employer job functions into the social network however their recent design changes have made it easier for information to be shared which in turn could lead to better job promotion for job seekers.
According to the Los Angeles Times the social network has “downplayed the significance of rolling out resources for job hunters”. In the meantime they are working on creating a central location for job searching services so that Facebook users can connect to a variety of resources directly from within their Facebook accounts.
According to Facebook Spokesman Andrew Noyes:
“This is not a competitive service. It’s a public service.”
It will be interesting if Facebook focuses their efforts on a meta-search based product the likes of which we have seen from Indeed.com or if they will choose to create a “platform within a platform” which allows users to separate their personal and business lives from one another.
What do you think Facebook will need to do in order to create a viable jobs database via their social network?

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