Saturday, October 22, 2011

Alleged Gaddafi assets of

$ 200 billion

The former Libyan ruler Muammar al-Gaddafi after a newspaper report may be assets of more than $ 200 billion (144 billion euros) stashed away.

That would correspond to $ 30,000 per head of the Libyan population and is twice as much as Western governments have previously assumed, announced the "Washington Post" on Saturday, citing high-ranking Libyan officials.

Immeasurable wealth

The paper quoted an official as saying that the amount of over the years accumulated possessions in all parts of the world in the form of cash, bank accounts, real estate, gold reserves and investments was unbelievable. The officials, the newspaper had studied detailed documentation on the search for the assets.
Gaddafi had been killed on Thursday during his arrest by Libyan rebels. The exact circumstances are unclear.
If the new wealth estimates were correct, "then Qaddafi received both as one of the greediest and most bizarre of the world leaders in history," wrote the "Washington Post". The unveiling of the incredible wealth could trigger anger at the new Libyans, of which about one-third live in poverty.

But no autopsy Gaddafi

The corpse of the slain former Libyan dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi is to be the intention of the new leadership of the country not closely examined on his death to circumstances. There will be no autopsy, a representative of Military Council said in the coastal city of Misrata on Saturday the news agency AFP. Receivables from around the world to clarify the confusing circumstances of his death Gaddafi continued.
"No one will open the body," said the representative of the Military Council clearly in Misrata. Two other managers in the city confirmed the information. On Friday, a representative of the Military Council in Misrata announced DNA tests on the corpse. It was exhibited in the cold room of a shopping mall in the suburbs, where hundreds of wanted to see them. In contrast to the previous day but the body was now covered with a cloth, that only leaves the mind free, and so covered the wounds on the torso. Gaddafi was also the head turned to the left, making the previously clearly visible bullet hole is no longer visible on the left temple.

Burial in a secret place

The intention of the National Transitional Council is to be Gaddafi buried at a secret location. Gaddafi was on Thursday in his hometown of Sirte apparently taken alive after a NATO attack on his convoy caught, but were then killed under still unexplained circumstances. Many representatives from the world community, including the United Nations, the United States and the human rights organization Amnesty International demanded a thorough investigation into the deaths.
Safia Gaddafi Gaddafi's widow called from her exile in Algeria to the United Nations to put pressure on the transitional council to permit him to her husband's funeral and also his son were killed on Thursday in Sirte Motassim hand over his family. In the Syrian transmitted by the television Arrai statement they called for an inquiry into the deaths.
Even the master Gaddafi has invited the National Transitional Council to release the bodies of ex-dictator and his son immediately. They should be buried according to Islamic custom in her hometown of Sirte, said in a release of Gaddadfa tribe, which published the pro-Gaddafi station Al-Rai, based in Syria.

Video causes a stir

A stir was caused in the meantime a video posted on the Internet. In it a young warrior of the transitional council is to see who claims to have killed Gaddafi. The young man says in the video, he had joined forces on Thursday from Misrata during the invasion of Sirte. There he was recognized despite Gaddafi a hat on the street.
As the fighters from Misrata would want to take the long-time ruler, he was shot at Gaddafi said the young fighter. He met him in the armpit and in the head, but was only Gaddafi died half an hour later. In the video, a bloodstained jacket is shown that allegedly belonged to Gaddafi. In addition, the fighters show a golden ring, which should bear the date of the wedding Gaddafi with his second wife Safia.

Transitional relief at Gaddafi's death

The Prime Minister of the Transitional Council, Mahmoud Jibril, who had previously insured, Gaddafi was already badly injured during his capture, said in Jordan that he was "relieved" after his death. At the same time he warned that the reconstruction will be very difficult to Libya. From government in Niger, it was said that there had been sightings of Gaddafi International Criminal Court in The Hague of former intelligence chief Abdullah Senussi sought.
NATO had on Friday announced the end of their deployment in Libya at the month end. According to the company they knew nothing of the presence of Gaddafi, when it attacked his convoy vehicle. The Russian government demanded the immediate lifting of the no-fly zone over Libya and an end to all sanctions against the country. For this purpose, it introduced a corresponding resolution in the Security Council of the United Nations.

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