Friday, October 21, 2011

#OpService #BrutalityEnds 

Greetings from anonymous,

The people at Occupy Wall Street have spoken. Their message is actually many messages. There is a deep dysfunction in our world today which cannot be answered with one focus. Anonymous has watched the abuse the people have received and has responded swiftly.

We do not necessarily all agree with the methods of Occupy Wall Street but a citizen is a citizen whether we agree with their choices or not. It is true that progress will inevitably have to come from actions by the protestors, the workers, the innovators themselves. The fact remains that whether through guile or duress, the bankers have wrecked the economy and their army of corporations has taken advantage of the situation.

Some say the people shouldn't have signed on to lies and propaganda. However, if a mechanic does a poor job on your car you would sue them. Yes, the people may have fallen to vanity, envy, selfishness, and a whole list of other mistakes. Yes, it will only be the when the people begin rebuilding their world that they will correct the problems they face. There is still a criminal class at large among bankers, corporate executives, and politicians. And to deal with that criminal class Anonymous will shine the spotlight on them.

But it doesn't end there. We will answer demands that the bankers won't. It's a long list so there is much time for bankers and corporations to make amends. Unfortunately, there isn't a hell of a lot of time for the economy before it goes completely unhinged. Anonymous is not waiting for food riots before we act. For once, we are ahead of the clock and we will drive it back.

All the mistakes the people have made are a drop in the bucket to direct and on the record financial blackmail by the system we are all getting choked by. That is not going to be forgotten and all rationalizations will not change it. We are not out to crash the economy, nor will we be used by crafty individuals to do so. Certainly not in the name of some Hollywood ending to a story the establishment wishes would go away. Rather we will rebuild starting now, even when many people are resigned to expecting utter disorder. Anons may be a chaotic bunch, but we're not lunatics.

And so begins Operation Service, building on the work of Operation BART, Operation Liberation, Operation Feed The Homeless, and Occupy Wall Street. This as previous actions is based on Project AntiShock. We will present both Operation Service and Project AntiShock. We hope that others will look upon this model and imitate it, perhaps modify it, improve it, or come up with their own.

We are Anonymous

We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us

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