Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Anonymous’ Guy Fawkes Virus Blamed for Facebook Spam

Hacktivist group Anonymous is being blamed for the massive porn spam attack that has engulfed social networking platform Facebook.
Facebook's user news feed has been flooded by pornographic images including morphed images of celebrities in objectionable positions. The website has also been flooded with images of extreme violence includes photos of animal abuse.
Security firm Sophos has warned that the problem is widespread and the company should do something about it before people start leaving the platform, disgusted by what they are being subjected to.

Facebook is currently investigating the matter but is yet to narrow down on suspects. However, the fingers are pointing towards Anonymous which had threatened to bring down using a ‘Guy Fawkes virus' they had developed. The virus has been designed to take control of a Facebook account and spread to other members without the users actually logging in.
"After the worm gets under control, Anonymous will use this to its advantage against corruption, and as an alternative attack towards groups who take on Anonymous. We are Anonymous. We are a legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us," Anonymous had said in a video warning.

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