Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Salman Rushdie argues with Facebook to its name

The British writer Salman Rushdie has prevailed on Facebook, that he may continue his side's lead author names. 

As the world renowned author of "Satanic Verses" and "Midnight's Children" on Monday wrote on Twitter, the Internet company had shut down on weekends his Facebook page, because they did not believe him, that he in fact he himself.

Victory! I'm back Salman Rushdie

Thus he was able to convince the company with a copy of his passport from his true identity, but she insisted that he used from then on the side of his first name Ahmed. "They have reactivated my FB page as Ahmed Rushdie, even though the whole world knows me as Salman. These idiots, "wrote the Indian-born author who stated they never verwendet.Rushdie the name Ahmed then called on the Twitter-Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg directly to give him back his name. When he received no reply, he wrote: "When F. Scott Fitzgerald on # Facebook, would you also would force him, Francis Fitzgerald to be". Only in the evening he could not yet announce a success: "Victory! # Facebook has caved! I'm back Salman Rushdie. I feel SO much better. An identity crisis at my age is not fun. Thank you Twitter! "


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