Thursday, November 17, 2011

Passengers had to fund plane in Vienna with cash

The journey ended in Vienna

The payment fiasco surrounding the flights to the Indian Amritsar could overthrow the Austrian airline Comtel Air into bankruptcy. The CEO Richard Fluck. "We have debts from operations of EUR 700,000." Whether or not the airline have to file for bankruptcy, will decide by mid next week.
The extent of financial difficulties is known only slowly. More than two-thirds of Comtel passengers are still in India. "We have flown passengers since October 3300 to Amritsar, only 800-1000 of them have taken up the return flight," said Fluck. Are thus more than 2,000 British Indians, the return flight tickets from Comtel Air did in northern India on home leave.
Fluck announced plans to travel to London to arrange with the British aviation authorities "orderly departure". The affected passengers will be rebooked on other airlines.

Comtel did not pay for fuel and landing fees

Comtel Air did not because of fuel costs and landing fees paid 700,000 euros debt. The tour operator Astonbury Limited Comtel Air still owes to the 800,000 €. If the tour operator goes bankrupt, Comtel Air also stands on the brink. In answer to the Austrian airline is also still coming to compensation claims in the amount of 300,000 €, calculated from Fluck.
"We wanted to build a new Austrian airline," said Fluck. That's five weeks after the first flight went wrong duly. The capital base was too low, resigned Fluck. There had been interest from investors, whether they are now scared.

Odyssey from the UK

In Great Britain fight the passengers are after the hour-long odyssey in Vienna on Tuesday but still ended up in Birmingham, now is to get their money back. From the tumultuous scenes on board the Boeing 757 at Vienna-Schwechat in the meantime, mobile videos have surfaced. "We need to pay your money to buy the fuel and the airport" as saying on Tuesday directed a flight attendant in an announcement to the passengers.
The Austrian demand airline that flies only been one and a half months, from Vienna to Amritsar via Birmingham has, on Tuesday the first flight operations must adjust after lease had not been paid. Passengers had to scrape together 23 400 € in cash, so the pilot flies on the Comtel to Birmingham.

Video on British TV channel

The British broadcaster Channel 4 has received a cell phone video of the scene on board. Here is the news (of course in English).

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