Saturday, November 19, 2011

There’s more than an egg in the middle of an Egg Mc Muffin than an egg in the middle of a muffin

McDonalds Egg McMuffin 1978 TV ad 


McDonald's Cruelty: The Rotten Truth About Egg McMuffins

Shocking Video: McDonald's has its consequences

Following the release of shocking images to animal cruelty on a chicken farm in the U.S. fast-food chain McDonald's has terminated the supplier.
The animal rights activists of the organization "compassion for animals" recorded video from a farm is the company Sparbo "disturbing and totally unacceptable," said McDonald's on Friday. McDonald's requires from its suppliers that animals are treated decently and take that responsibility very seriously.
The statements from 'compassion for animals "on a Sparbo-chicken farm photographs show, among other things, such as chickens, the tips of their beaks burned off and the animals are put into overcrowded cages, where they are pressed by other hens on the grid, such as animals die in plastic bags and decompose in cages as animal carcasses. On the images can also be seen as a staff member is fastened to a rope live chicken swings through the air. Sparbo told to investigate the incident and dismissed four employees to have. The family watch out for a good treatment of animals.
In the U.S. there are no federal laws regulating the keeping of chickens, the rules of individual states are usually very patchy. "Unfortunately, much of this cruelty to animals, we have documented not only standard but also legal," said the director of "compassion for animals," Nathan Runkle. Employees of his organization had more than a dozen investigations into chicken farms across the country made, and every time they had discovered "shocking evidence of abuse and neglect." The decision by McDonald's to announce, Sparbo will not alter the deplorable situation is not much, Runkle said. The real problem was the cage in the United States.

Shocking video from McDonald's supplier


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