Sunday, December 11, 2011

Are We Turning to the Outer Dimensions of What Support Means?



One data point pops out in this infographic (see below) about support these days. The costs to run a call center are sky high.
It costs between $6 and $75 to resolve customer issues over the phone. It costs as little as $.05 to help customers find answers online.
Some other proof points from the inforgraphic. People want to get their questions answered by peers. Search is a first place to find an answer to a brand question. People like to meet others who are fans of the same brand. People want to hear from their favorite brands.
But here’s the gap. People like you and me like to hear from each other about their favorite airline or coffee bean. But marketers are not quite there at all. They still love to to advertise.
That’s one dimension. Pretty simple. The outer dimensions of support come with what we see from companies such as Twilio and the new capabilities that Siri ushers in.
I follow the Siri thread on Quora. Here’ a nugget. Computer scientists have dreamed for years about creating that virtual assistant who can converse intelligently in a matter that the difference between human and machine is negligible.
Siri gets us closer to that reality.
So where does that place social support? It’s so early in the game. But I like this idea.
Indian support center pros will become highly sought after to provide the best in people support. Add a programmable edge and I think you have something.

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