Wednesday, December 28, 2011

White Castle to Start Selling Alcohol

White Castle, the nation's favorite inexpensive post-hangover fast food chain that just keeps hanging in there, is going to start selling booze. The Chicago-based chain announced yesterday that they will start selling wines and beers - alas, not in the Chicago market. According to Convenience Store Decisions (yes, that's a real magazine), White Castle is hoping to get a much-needed boost in 2012 from the new drink options.
While this creates the potential for endless jokes about throwing up, we're more concerned with the precedent, especially considering Starbucks and Burger King have tried similar experiments this year. If this takes off, what's next? A McBrew or McRose?
The first restaurant to get the booze is in Indiana. 
"The wine — a choice of two reds and two whites — comes in “a nice plastic cup, (with) the look of an elegant cocktail glass,” says White Castle spokesman Jamie Richardson."
Keep it classy, White Castle. We say if you're going to have plastic cups, just own it - and be sure to give us straws. They will also be selling beer (a "nice complement" to a double cheeseburger, according to Richardson). The wine is $4.50, and the beer is $3.00. No word yet on their vintage choices. 

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