Friday, January 13, 2012

iPhone 4S launch in China draws large crowds, unnecessary violence and SWAT teams (video)

The launch of the new Apple iPhone in China has led to violent riots: Hundreds of Chinese laid siege on Friday in the capital Beijing, the two Apple stores, where the iPhone 4S should be sold.


As one of the shops did not open, attacking the disappointed customers to a security guard and pelted the windows with eggs. Police arrested at least two people. Apple announced a little later, the sale of the iPhone 4S in China was put on hold.


"We are angry"

Should the Sanlitun Apple store in Beijing district open at 07.00 clock. "We have been waiting here all night," said the 18-year-old Tom Sun. "That's just not fair. We are angry. "The 29-year-old Li Tianye traveled by bus from Shandong, in order not to miss the launch. "I'm really pissed if they do not open." Another young man who waited in the cold in front of the store, said he wanted the real iPhone, not a fake.

iPhones sold out

Apple spokeswoman Carolyn Wu said the store was not able to be opened, because the crowd was in front was too big. Apple had to ensure the safety of customers and staff. All iPhones are now sold out, so that the first smartphone in Beijing was not yet to have in Shanghai.

Sales start 14th October

The new iPhone since its launch on 14 October a winner. In China, it was to have been only on the black market - imported from neighboring countries or Hong Kong, where it has been officially sold. On Friday it was sold but not only in the official Apple stores, but also in electronics markets.

The second largest market

China is the fastest growing market for Apple. The sales there are in second place behind those in the U.S.. The U.S. company has opened six stores in the official People's Republic - but there are also many fake Apple stores in the country.

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