Friday, January 27, 2012

Model makes herself naked for PETA

Model Sophie Barrett protested for PETA against the 
consumption of meat.

Model Sophie Barrett, a vegetarian and animal rights activist, runs to the waiver of the flesh for PETA.

As part of a PETA demonstration against the consumption of meat in London on Thursday gave Sophie Barrett falling shells.

Nude Protest in London

With a butcher's diagram on her body, the young Briton drew attention to the motto of the demonstration. Covered by a makeshift sign saying "All animals have the same parts - no meat," and a scanty panties, Sophie caused a stir with their Action in the City of London.
The young woman was from the police at London's Picadilly Circus asked several times to re-tighten as this posed almost nude for photographers and passersby.

PETA preaches renunciation of meat

The animal rights organization PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) wanted to do with the action on the "World Week for the Abolition of Meat", the "World Week for the absence of meat," attention. Model Sophie Barrett should have become known in any case a lot.

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