Tuesday, February 21, 2012

DC man’s ‘NO TAGS’ vanity plate earns him $20,000 in tickets!


Danny White, 25-year old man from Washington DC, thought he had a really good idea for a joke - "NO TAGS" vanity plates. But the joke's on him as it earned him $20,000 in tickets,
Well, almost everyone. “D.C. don’t get the joke,” he said, shaking his head. “They don’t get it.”
Because now the joke is on him: “I’ve got enough tickets here to plaster my whole car.”
Three hundred dollars, $500, $700 for overdue tickets... Because if the city finds an abandoned vehicle or a car missing its plates, guess who gets it? Danny White
“It had to be $20,000 in tickets. Over $20,000,” he said.
Tickets for Fords, Hondas, Dodges. Even a Vespa. Every few months he has to take time off from work to go to the courthouse to get the tickets dismissed. But since Danny drives a Chevy Avalanche, anything marked a “Chevy” is still his problem.
"How do I prove it’s not mine?” Danny asked. “They say, 'I don't know.'  You don't know?  It’s your system, figure it out. ‘I don't know’ isn't an answer. I got to get this done." 
Danny’s record at the DMV is now so long, he said he can’t renew his license or his registration.
“I said, ‘Let me call Channel 4,’” Danny said. “Get them to help me get this squared away.”
For two months, the News4 I-Team swam through an alphabet soup of government bureaucracy.  D.C.’s DMV sent us to DPW, who sent us to DDOT, who sent us... back to the DMV.
Who told us the computers are not set up to red flag problematic tags like Danny’s.
"When customers do submit a ticket for adjudication, we don't track what their reason is, so there simply, unfortunately no way for me to know that information," said DMV Director Lucinda Babers.

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