Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Westboro Baptist Church Released a Whitney Houston Parody: ‘God Will Always Hate You’
The Westboro Baptist Church has announced plans to picket Whitney Houston’s funeral, set to take place in her native Newark, N.J. Saturday, one week after her death.

“Yay! 2 pickets in NJ-Whitney Houston funeral & [legislature],” Margie Phelps, daughter of church pastor Fred Phelps, tweeted this week.

The controversial Topeka, Kansas-based “church” is known for picketing the funerals of soldiers, celebrities and gays. According to the Christian Post, it‘s unclear why exactly the church would target Houston’s funeral: she was Christian and grew up attending church in Newark.

But in a separate tweet, Margie Phelps referred to Houston as a “gay icon.” She also posted a picture of a sign church members will presumably carry, reading “Whitney in hell” and depicting her smoking a small pipe, a reference to her drug addiction past.

Ahead of Houston’s funeral, members of the church released their own rendition of Houston’s famous song “I Will Always Love You,“ titled ”God Will Always Hate You.”

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