Sunday, March 25, 2012

Engineers Create 100T Magnetic Field. It’s 2 Million Times Earth’s Magnetic Field!

1200 megajoule Generator Used For 
100T Magnetic Field Generation

The team of scientists and engineers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory surely have a reason to smile. They spent around 15 years trying to develop 100 Tesla magnetic field; roughly 2 million times more powerful than Earth’s own magnetic field. Calling this achievement a ‘moon shot’, Chuck Mielke, director of Pulsed Field Facility at Los Alamos said that there are higher magnetic fields produced elsewhere in the world; however the magnets used to create such high fields destruct themselves. The magnets created by the Los Alamos team are the first ones in the world designed to work non-destructively at 100T intensity on a regular basis. The team employed 100T pulsed multi-shot magnet which is a combination of 7 coil sets weighing approximately 18000 pounds. These coils are powered by a mega 1200 MJ generator

The team now aims to employ these high magnetic fields to study upper critical fields of superconductors, quantum magnetic transitions, electrical resistivity, optical spectroscopy and fiber-optic dilatometry.  The magnets can now be used to understand how various materials behave when subjected to intense high magnetic fields. The study of material behavior at very low temperatures and very high magnetic fields can be used to enhance our knowledge of superconductivity. In addition, the powerful magnets can be used as nano-scale microscope!

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