Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Erotic e-books are booming


Erotic e-books in the UK achieve spectacular sales figures. The erotic literature is benefiting from the introduction of electronic reading devices. The lack of bindings allow people not go unnoticed adult texts to read.
Sales of erotic e-books for women has increased in Britain, according to Daily Mail by a whopping 30 percent. "In German-speaking countries, the proportion of e-books of erotic literature is still small, but I notice every month, as demand increases. The clients there are mostly male, but the women pull. Electronic readers will receive very erotic content, because many people are afraid to use them more open, or to buy it, "says Christine Janson, author and publisher of sophisticated erotic e-books on christinejanson.de.

Erotic e-books do not have to be hidden

Who would want to consume early in the tram unrecognized erotic literature, his books had either a newspaper or the camouflage cover of a classic of world literature. By tablets and e-reader, which penetrate slowly in this country, those days are gone forever. "The anonymous Reading is a big advantage. I've even begun to abandon illustrations, because they reveal the contents, "says Janson.
Why in England rises above all the paragraphs of literary erotica, which is aimed at women, is perhaps the most catching up to do. "Women like sex. The consumption of erotic literature, they have yet to catch up some. Through education, they are ashamed of something perhaps more than men. I write at least for both sexes. My fantasies do have a female perspective, but like many men, "said Janson. Beside the secret easier consumer e-readers also unobtrusive acquisition of erotic literature.

No oblique views through downloads

"The possibility of undetected purchase is a more significant benefit of e-books than reading inconspicuous. Many people are ashamed to go to the bookstore and buy a sexy work, but are still curious, "says Janson. The download of an e-book pulls the other hand, no suspicious glances.
"Even an order with Amazon some people are embarrassed, especially if they live alone. A package must be opened so at some point, "says the publisher. An e-book can be read, however unobtrusively order, and, if no traces are left behind, then delete it. Erotic e-books have her run of success that is just beginning.

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