Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sex toy survey: Germans come first


Germans top the unofficial kinky league table, a new survey on between-the-sheets behaviour revealed Tuesday. It demonstrated that nearly half of Germans like "tools and gadgets" - more than any other country.

But while 44 percent of Germans like "tools and gadgets that make it more fun" the interest in electric sex aids ends there, since only 16 percent are aroused by "sexy illuminating underwear." This was the joint lowest score, well below the international average of 23 percent.

By contrast, one in three Chinese people said lingerie that lights up does it for them every time.

Before they get the tools and gadgets out, Germans are not averse to a bit of mood-setting – 40 percent said they liked romantic music. But don't bother with your Beyoncé CDs if you want to seduce a German – only four percent like to bonk to R 'n' B.

What separates Germans from other countries, though, is the preference for keeping the lights on. As many as 53 percent of Germans like to see clearly what's going on, a figure topped only by the Spanish with 56 percent.

That figure is in stark contrast to the Brits, 65 percent of whom lived up to their nation's repressed stereotype and said they preferred to have sex in the dark – the largest proportion of all countries surveyed.

More illuminating than Germans' favourite underpants were the various answers to the question, "Why would you turn the light off when you are ready for fun?"

While the vast majority of people across the world answered either, "because it's sexier that way," or "I dare to do the naughty stuff," but some, including 19 percent of Germans, said, "I don't find myself that attractive."

The less charming responses "I don't find my partner that attractive" or "I prefer thinking about someone else" were given by five percent of brutally honest Germans.

The survey, carried out by Swedish tennis legend Björn Borg's underwear chain, surveyed over 1,700 18-30-year-olds in nine different countries across the globe.


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