Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mindblowing Orgasms Keep The Doctor Away


They say that sex is like tennis: when it’s good, it’s awesome. When it’s bad, it’s still pretty good.  Although this say may sound funny, there are many health benefits to sex.  Moreover, if you reach an orgasm, the experience is not only pleasurable, but it can also lead to an enhanced health.
Doctors and scientists agree that a healthy sex life may increase a person’s overall well-being.  Sex can provide relief to symptoms of depression and reduce stress. Specifically, orgasms can have many health benefits. For example, a study conducted by the University of New York in Albany reported that semen acts as a natural antidepressant (for both men and women). The semen acts like an injection of antidepressant that gets absorbed by the vaginal tissue and goes directly into the bloodstream, thus reducing depression. Semen may also lower blood pressure in women. A study conducted in Amsterdam suggests that women who perform oral sex and swallow the sperm during pregnancy have less incidences of preeclampsia.  Therefore, semen can better your cardio health!
Evidently, male orgasms  are not only good for men, they are also good for us. But what about the female orgasm? Are there any health benefits for women when they reach the big “O”? As a matter of fact, there are.
Here are some health benefits of reaching an orgasm:
Tension Reliever: Orgasms relieve tension. Orgasms make the heart beat fast, which increases the blood flow throughout the body. The muscular tautness that is experienced during sex is relieved through an orgasm thus leading to a state of relaxation. Additionally, an orgasm relieves the tensions of the nervous system.
I personally feel more relax after the big ‘O’
. —Leslie M., Hurst, TX
Sleep Aid: Orgasms lead to better sleep. Orgasms act like a tranquilizer. The endorphins released during sex have a calming effect.
I get some good sleep sometimes after a big orgasm, especially if it happened after a great workout at the gym.
—Sarah V., Miami, FL
Cravings Reducer: Orgasms act like an appetite regulator. During sexual arousal, the body produces phenetylamine, which is a natural amphetamine that may help to reduce cravings for junk food and sometimes smoking.
When I go through dry spells, I eat more. It’s like I use all my sexual energy to eat. I believe I substitute sex with food.
—Adella V., San Juan, PR
Losing Weight: Orgasms burn calories. Scientists estimate that an orgasm burns between 60-100 calories. And that is not even counting all of the calories you burn prior to reaching it! (Hooray to those multi-orgasmic women!!!)
Pain Reliever: Orgasms act like a natural pain management tool. Menstrual cramps and headaches vanish during an orgasm. Endorphins released during sex can increase pain tolerance in almost 70 percent during an orgasm. So next time you want to say, “Not tonight, Honey, I have a headache” to avoid sex, beware: your partner may know this information and offer the solution!
I have had sex when I’ve had a headache. During sex, I don’t feel the pain at all. It’s like sex erases the pain, at least while it is happening
. —Tricia C., Dallas, TX
The Pursuit of Happiness: Overall, an orgasm feels phenomenal. Centuries ago, when women suffered from hysteria and other mental illnesses, doctors blamed it on depression and many practitioners theorized that women were depressed due to lack of sexual stimulation. Therefore, they recommended strategies for reaching an orgasm to help women improve their mental health. Although there may not be a measure of how much orgasms lead to happiness, there is no need for a lot of scientific evidence to attest to the fact that reaching an orgasm is a source of instant gratification!
When I reach an orgasm, by myself or with my husband, it is definitely a moment of intense joy
. —Laura R., Chicago, IL
Sometimes the O is so good, I cry. I believe in that moment there is a connection of love and peace. It’s a very overwhelming feeling. The feeling of the big O is like being on a roller coaster ride, going up and up and up, then the drop….feeling it right in the heart. —Vivian M., Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Besides all the health benefits of orgasms, if these are produced during sexual intercourse with your partner, you may feel more appreciative of the experience and your partner for facilitating the process by which you reach such a level of pleasure. And orgasms may, just like sex, strengthen the relationship with your sexual partner. If you reach an orgasm (or many) alone, you still benefit, and you reach a higher level of awareness about your body. So next time you are sexually stimulated, think about how the big “O” may give you two big “Hs”: one for health and one for happiness!

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