Saturday, June 30, 2012

Talking Urinal Cakes Deployed to Curb Drunk Driving


"Listen up. That's right, I'm talking to you," the chatty cakes greet their visitors

Next time you get piss drunk 
listen to your urinal.

Michigan officials are deploying 400 talking urinal cakes to 200 restaurants and watering holes across the Great Lake State as part of a stepped up anti-drunk driving campaign for the Fourth of July, the Detroit News reported.
The Crownsville, Md.-based company at the center of the campaign, Healthquest Technologies Inc., has named their motion-activated deodorizing cakes Wizmark “Interactive Urinal Communicators.”
“There are many places you can put your ad, but most of them don't guarantee three seconds of attention, let alone a consumer's undivided attention,” the firm says on its website.
Wizmarks can “talk, sing or flash a string of lights” to greet their visitors, the company boasts.
According to the Detroit News, the urinal cakes being sent across Michigan will broadcast this message: "Listen up. That's right, I'm talking to you. Had a few drinks? Maybe a few too many? Then do yourself and everyone else a favor: Call a sober friend or a cab. Oh, and don't forget to wash your hands."
The Detroit Free Press notes that the cakes have also been used in other states to battle drunk driving. 


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