Wednesday, December 29, 2010


 iPhone and iPad Users sue Apple



Apple is the same in two cases of iPhone and iPad Users have been sued for alleged privacy violations. The plaintiffs accuse the U.S. pass before the Group, personal information of users of applications (Apps) for promotional purposes to third parties. According to indictments, they call for a ban on the transfer of data without the consent and financial compensation.

Apart from Apple are also popular App Manufacturers such as Weather Channel, and Talking Tom Cat at the pillory. Both cases may eventually merged into one, the lawyer said Mr Eder, Majed Nachawati.
A few days ago, the Wall Street Journal "reported that smartphones would" regularly and in a big way "personal information disclosed. Therefore gave iPhone Apps more information on Google's Android as operating system. The identification of each device is an attractive property for advertisers seeking for a reliable way, on-line Activities to track the user, according to one of the indictments.

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