Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dead in crash of Russian military aircraft

The crash of a military plane in central Russia, according to the Defense Ministry in Moscow at least twelve people were killed. The huge cargo plane Antonov An- 22 was in the Tula region some 250 kilometers south of the capital, crashed to the ground. The cause was not immediately known.

On board in 1974 it entered service machine had a crew and a replacement crew, each with six pilots have been notified the agency ITAR- Tass on Wednesday morning, citing information authorities. Rescue workers at the crash site were first discovered in the rubble were no survivors.
The transport plane had disappeared on Tuesday evening around 21.30 clock Moscow time (19.30 GMT clock) from the radar screens, it said in the Russian Defense Ministry. First of eleven dead the speech had been. The crew was on its way from Voronezh to Tver, as it crashed south between Tula and Orel regions of Moscow. The Antonov An- 22 with four turbo-prop Engines built in the largest production aircraft in the world with propeller drive. The machine can carry up to 290 soldiers.






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