Wednesday, December 14, 2011

All Burger Kings are not alike.

Decades ago Yakov Smirnoff made the peculiarities of Russian and Soviet culture into a catch-phrase ready standup routine here in the U.S. With the demise of Eastern European communism (and Smirnoff's career outside of Branson, MO), we're left to look at Russian popular culture through our own cultural lenses. With that in mind, we take you today to a Burger King commercial that's making its way around the internet, straight from the land of the New(ly rich) Russians. Whether it's dancing cashiers with Kool-aid colored hair, night club DJs spinning the latest wax Whoppers, Justin Bieber look-alikes, mafia types with dachshunds or Andrew Bird wannabes (check out the 0:57 mark) with flaming feet, there's so much going on in this commercial (music video?) that we're about ready to dust off our passports and learn some Cyrillic, if only to have it our way in the taiga.

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