Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Castro regime begins blocking Facebook

Raul Castro's regime has begun to block social networking site Facebook in government spaces, according to reports coming from the island popular Blocking this site accompanied by a set of measures against the Cuban people of access to social networks and online communication that the scheme is being implemented gradually. Recently knew that the government had banned the use of portable memories, notebooks or any other information storage device in workplaces. Now, Cuban Law Association warns in his blog that "the social network Facebook, which could access government workers weeks ago from his workplace, has been blocked." declares the lawyer Veizant Boloy Gonzalez: "I was corroborated a friend who works at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Foreign Ministry) and a neighbor who serves in the tourism sector. " In parallel, the dictatorship has introduced its own social network , accessible only via Intranet, and target audiences, what which facilitates easy control authorities of these platforms connecting citizens. The Cuban State retains the power to decide what information may or may not consult and distribute a citizen of the island via the Internet. The Castro regime only sees the state as the issuer of information, which does not allow anyone to express their thoughts freely on the network.

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