China concerned over circumstances in Pakistan
The Chinese will suffer a major setback if dysfunctional Pakistan splinters in the near future. Many Malaysian Muslims will hasten to tell you that their country should not be compared with Pakistan. When introducing themselves, migrant Muslims in West Asia (Middle East) take pains to assert that they are Muslims from India and not Pakistan.
Serious contradictions within Pakistan have pushed it into the pit of despair, from where it is almost impossible to climb out. It is reported that many young Pakistanis out of sheer frustration are repudiating Islam and converting to other religions. Perhaps, the majority of Pakistan's dominant community, the Punjabi Sunni Muslims living in their isolated world of self-destruction, do not realize the damage they are doing to Islam. Perhaps, they are blind to the fact that Pakistan appears to be hurtling towards self-destruction.
Beijing treats Pakistan as an extension of its war machine and a surrogate colony. The likely breakup of Pakistan in the near future will stall expanding Chinese footprints. An impaired or divided Pakistan is a cause of deep worry for Beijing, since Islamabad's capability to tie-down India by launching terrorist attacks will also suffer. If Pakistan splinters, there will be enormous gains for India. Pakistan-occupied Kashmir will return to the Indian fold and peace will prevail.
This is the singular reason for the Chinese to move their troops into Gilgit Baltistan, the northern areas of PoK. The strategy is two-fold. First, to occupy or gain influence over as much occupied Indian Territory as possible, in case Pakistan breaks up. Second, to keep up the pressure on Indian borders since Pakistan is no position to do the same given its present internal disarray.
Further, China does not want India to be emboldened to mount an attack on Pakistan, which is already gasping for oxygen. With the break-up of Pakistan, ISI activities like export of fake Indian currency and infiltration of terrorists through Nepal will cease. Anti-India rabble rousing by ISI inspired elements in Bangladesh will no longer be possible. The Union of India's consolidation and integration as a nation will get a new fillip, as the distraction created by Pakistan in the name of religion is eliminated.
India then will be able to concentrate on the principal threat posed by China. A Fragmented Pakistan will lessen the heavy financial burden placed on India's economy with drastic reduction in the security apparatus. This will enable young India to make rapid economic strides that can outpace aging China in a short span of time.

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