Want to help Anon fight the Egyptian government, instructions are here
live feed
http://piratepad.net/ep/pad/view/ro.rQaXW6ia/latestLink to this document: http://piratepad.net/ep/pad/view/ro.rQaXW6ia/latest
Short link for Twitter: http://bit.ly/guwCJi
Protests against corrupt Mubarak dictatorship ongoing. Massive rallies announced for Friday (after http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jumu'ah, about 1 PM local time). International support of dictatorship crumbling.
Good idea to save this periodically as HTML or text to your hard drive. Use "Import/Export" function above.
Recruiting poster: http://i.imgur.com/LfLhN.png
Press Release 25/26Jan2001 http://anonops.webs.com/almajhoulin.jpg (AR) http://anonops.webs.com/ANONYMOUS-PRESS-RELEASE_26-01-2011.jpg (EN) http://anonops.webs.com/ANONYMOUS-PRESS-RELEASE_26-01-2011-FR.jpg (FR) http://anonops.webs.com/ANONYMOUS-PRESS-RELEASE_26-01-2011-GER.jpg (DE)
Discussion: http://piratepad.net/opegypt-talk
Rock the Casbah!
Rock the Casbah!
Part I. If you are in Egypt:
Most important: get everyone to know how to unblock Twitter, Facebook etc. Without this, organizing protests will not be easy. Stay connected.
Share the Anonymous Care Package: http://bit.ly/eIbxhW
More care + explanations:http://pastebin.com/L15SKJ53
Some anti-censorship instructions (partial Arabic translation at end of this note): http://christopherkullenberg.se/?p=2057
Twitter censorship in Egypt is ongoing (though they periodically may drop it), but there are many ways around this:
- use numeric IP: and
- Opera Turbo should also work (Download the Opera browser http://www.opera.com/download/ and activate Turbo)
- "Opera mini accesses twitter mobile no problems" (via Twitter) http://www.opera.com/mobile/
- Yon can open Twitter from Android phone in Egypt using Orbot Tor port to Android phone's "twitter feed"
!!!Note that theTwitter network may simply be overloaded. If you try to avoid censorship and it does not work, see if other people around have working Twitter. Also avoid retweeting old news and vague rumors, this will just overload the network and do no good.
(see also twitter search terms below)
Facebook may be also censored now (some FB users report blockage/deletion of posts, but others can post fine) but possibly never blocked by government - simply too many logons (see "Twitter" section) -> if they censor FB, try :
- apps.facebook.com
- login.facebook.com
- upload.facebook.com
- Most proxies (see below) work if you use Facebook's mobile interface (m.facebook.com) to set up and run your account. This goes for a lot of other sites too.
Local talent possibly found on FB at http://www.facebook.com/RNN.NEWS (Arabic!)
Main FB protest page: http://www.facebook.com/Yom.Elsawra.25.January (Arabic!)
Khaled Mohamed Said group http://www.facebook.com/pages/khaled-mohamed-said/125205124186046?v=wall&filter=1 (Arabic!)
If Facebook goes down and proxies etc don't help, it may just be overloaded. See "Twitter" above, do not use FB unneccessarily.
Proxies. VPN... will help you bypass online censorship:
- Opera and Opera Mini (for mobiles) offer a service called Opera Turbo, which acts like a proxy through Norway http://www.opera.com/browser/turbo/
- http://www.anonymouse.org <- confirmed good, but can it be accesse?, but does it work?
- http://www.hotspotshield.com/ ("a shitty piece of software, but it works")
- http://www.ultrareach.com/ <- unconfirmed, anyone try it?
- http://www.findsoft.net/UltraSurf/ <- unconfirmed, anyone try it?
- VPN Express (for iphone)
- http://hidemyass.com/ <- supposedly blocked by govt, confirm? (may be simply overloaded?)
- Tor (see http://pastebin.com/L15SKJ53)
- I2P http://i2p2.de/
IRC:#opegypt on irc.anonops.ru
Other online stuff:
- If you are being blocked, go to http://j.mp/gPk7CP and we will forward messages
- If you are inside Egypt and have a WLAN router, get it outside and give wifi to the protesters
- The Activist Guide to Flickr (Arabic) / دليل المدون الناشط للتصوير وخدمة فلكر https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AXW_cUvUEu6hZG5iY21yZl8xODVkcXdrNmRjZg&hl=en
- For hosting videos (government apparently asking Youtube to take down videos of protests):http://cyberghostvpn.com/
- Al-Jazeera is also offering to host videos and reports: http://storify.com/ajelive/egyptian-uprising-escalates
- http://streisand.me/ is mirroring protest videos
Message to Egyptian police/army to keep hands THE FUCK AWAY FROM Egyptian ppl, need to distribute on ground & online
- http://piratepad.net/plrj9kpM8L text version
- http://img840.imageshack.us/i/yaakhyilmasry.jpg/ JPG version
- Deface moiegypt w/that, gain >9000 internets. (particularly since moiegypt is mostly down)
- Bomb 'Em With Free Faxes! http://www.peoplesliberationfront.info/OpEgypt1.html
- Print out and distribute on street in Egypt
First aid and demonstration preparations:
Via Twitter, unconfirmed:
- Tunisians posting advice for [Egyptian] protesters: "Sing national anthems and Egyptian poems to reach hearts of Security forces"
- "we [in Cairo] gave the policemen water because they had been standing all day &were thirsty." (also flowers, cookies, chocolate...)
- "Black spray [paint] to paralyse armed vehicles. Ingenious"
- "Tips coming out of Tunisia: Spray paint police trucks' windshields so they can't see/drive. Wash tear gas victims' faces with milk"
- "Protesters ask families to support protest from balconies and windows > pour water on troops." (not supporting violence, anon would probably add: "dirty water, not boiling water")
- "protesters diverting Police to fake venues through Social Media. Big Brother not being so smart but slowly catching on"
Twitter searches/tags:
- https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Jan25 <- trending! THIS IS MAIN TAG AT PRESENT "Jan26" should not be used until further notice for Egypt matters, always use #Jan25
- https://twitter.com/search?q=%23jan25 <- many also use this
- https://twitter.com/search?q=%2325jan <- or this
- https://twitter.com/search?q=%23OpEgypt <- for OpEgypt stuff only
- https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Egypt <- trending!
- https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Suez <- trending!
- https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Mubarak <- trending!
- https://twitter.com/search?q=%23tahrir <- mainly Arabic, local talent
Part II. If you are outside Egypt:
Most important: suppress regime online. Help to distribute Part I info into Egypt, or to peple who will pass it on to there. Spread the word.
Share the Anonymous Care Package: http://bit.ly/eIbxhW
More care + explanations:http://pastebin.com/L15SKJ53
Killing the regime's internets:
Main targets www.moiegypt.gov.eg ( www.mcit.gov.eg ( Port 80 http
Look @ channel #opegypt on irc.anonops.ru for the actual target so we can all focus in one.
HIVE UP! loic.anonops.net : 6667 #loic Currently: moiegypt (Hive lists IP of target only)
1. Check if hive target is down: stop firing and use http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ (note targets block ICMP)
2. If hive target is down, pick other main target or one from below:
LOIC ("Low Orbit Ion Cannon" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LOIC)
- LOIC https://github.com/NewEraCracker/LOIC/downloads
- LOIQ 0.3a (LOIC for Linux): http://sourceforge.net/projects/loiq/
Other fun stuff:
- http://hoic.99k.org/ <- HOIC, any good?
- http://ha.ckers.org/slowloris/ <- some like slowloris very much. cute animals they are.
- Seed Mubarak an e-mail! Contact@peoplesliberationfron.info (is his mailbox full? if not re-send, make sure he gets the message! Also, Python script for gmail http://pastie.org/1500919)
- Bomb 'Em With Free Faxes! http://www.peoplesliberationfront.info/OpEgypt1.html (see also "Message to Egyptian police" above)
- DoSHTTP http://goo.gl/oe3KS
Target suggestion :
- Main target: http://www.mcit.gov.eg/ (info propaganda and communication control ministry) (as an egyptian, believe this would be best target by far... they are the ones controlling the internet clampdown and are the "smart" government employees, would terrify them if they can't control website!) DOWN? stop firing and click http://bit.ly/eMBx3j to check
- Main target: http://www.moiegypt.gov.eg/ (interior ministry - responsible for police) DOWN? stop firing and click http://bit.ly/hGl1YK to check
- http://www.moiegypt.gov.eg/arabic/default <-----Deface
- http://www.egypt.gov.eg/ (govt. internet portal)
- http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/ and http://www.ahram.org.eg/ http://massai.ahram.org.eg/ (govt newspaper Al Ahram, total propaganda. Headline news on Jan26 was that some 1000 shit jobs were created all praise Mubarak)
- http://www.afmic.gov.eg/ and http://www.mmc.gov.eg/ (Armed Forces)
- http://www2.sis.gov.eg (State Information Service)
- http://pastebin.com/Wj8LCGB1 (gov.eg domains list)
- http://www.combinedsystems.com/ (guys who made the tear gas, deface?)
IRC:#opegypt on irc.anonops.ru
SQL ninjas check out http://www.far-malr.gov.eg/en/events.php?id=2%27 http://www.hayelagouza.gov.eg/index.php?do=show_foundations.php&id=39%20OR%201=1--
Also, http://www.moiegypt.gov.eg/admin/ <- WIN?
Partial translation of link for unblocking Twitter Facebook...:
صر -- شبكة تقرير ميداني
من Kullenberg كريستوفر في 26 يناير 2011 ،
وقد أدت الاحتجاجات في مصر أمس لقيود معينة في شبكة البنية التحتية للاتصالات. على الرغم من أن الشبكات لا يزال حتى ومعظم المواقع والأماكن لا تزال متاحة ، وهنا بعض الكتل وأكد أن الحاجة التحايل. يرجى ملاحظة أن هذه المعلومات يمكن ان تتغير بسرعة كبيرة ، وما هي إلا دقيقة لبعض الوقت.
هناك جدل حول ما إذا كان يتم حظر التغريد بنشاط أو لأسفل فقط بسبب وجود خطأ في الشبكة. فودافون مصر ونفى عرقلة التغريد ، ومع ذلك ، تور المطور يعقوب أبلباوم يجادل بأن هناك تصفية مستمرة .
هذه الكتلة من السهل التحايل باستخدام طرف ثالث updaters التغريد. على سبيل المثال brizzly.com أو خدمة Telecomix status.telecomix.org . يمكنك تعيين هذه الخدمات طرف ثالث لتحديث التغريد الحساب ، ومن ثم كنت من خلال.
كتل أخرى تشمل موقع أخبار dostor.org وبعض وأفادت مواقع اخبارية قناة الجزيرة لتكون قابلة للوصول. الفيديو أيضا تدفق موقع Bambuser تشير التقارير إلى أن سدت.
وذكرت البرمجيات هو تور للعمل ويتوفر لل تحميل . استخدام تور مع توربتن .
ومن أوصى لرأب الصدع في المتصفح مع الشبكي في كل مكان ونوسكريبت إلى النفاذ في حركة المرور المشفرة أكبر قدر ممكن وتجنب البرامج النصية الضارة من خطف حساباتك.
الحق الآن خدمات الفيديو (مثل يوتيوب) ويبدو للعمل داخل مصر. ومع ذلك ، فإن فريق سترايسند هي قبل تحميل ملفات الفيديو لقائي المتطابق سريع إذا كتل سوءا. إذا كانت الخدمات اذهب الى الأسفل ، وسيكون هناك ألف نسخة.
هذا كله كان التقنية جدا. لكن الأمن يأتي دائما في المقام الأول. حتى تبقي العين على هذه الشهادات ، الشبكي!
(إذا كان هذا بلوق وظيفة مفيدة ، أي شخص حر في توزيع / ترجمة / ريميكس ذلك.)
LINK IN ENGLISH http://christopherkullenberg.se/?p=2057

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