Despot Gaddafi has piles of weapons -
but no army
His former vast empire is for Libyan leader Muammar al- Gaddafi bit by bit smaller. The 68 - Year-old has now entrenched with his last squad in the metropolis of Tripoli.
Special units with a large number of foreign mercenaries to keep their embattled colonel nor loyalty. The regular army, according to military experts already in disarray.
Unlike in Egypt, where President Hosni Mubarak, the military leadership gave the marching orders, the eccentric Gaddafi threatens not a revolt of the military. This would allow the authority to go further days.
On the deplorable state of the Libyan armed forces had the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) already out in December 2010. Gaddafi had invested in equipment, rather than by military personnel. The ratio of weapons to soldiers is militarily absurd, they say.
About 119,000 man puts the total strength of the Libyan armed forces, notes the research agency of the U.S. Congress in a new report. 50,000 men served in the regular army, 18,000 in the Air Force and 3,000 in special units. The level of training of soldiers and military leadership was poor. Many modern weapons systems could not operate at all, because trained human resources.
If the details of military experts, then the Air Force Gaddafi and all the important posts in the armed services with members of his own tribe occupied. These are loyal, because they would lose by a fall of the regime the most. In addition, Gadhafi's son Chamiers command a small private army, which also includes foreign mercenaries.
How little the Libyan leader relies on the support of the regular army, and his performance shows from Friday evening. Gaddafi threatened to distribute the huge arsenals of weapons to loyal followers. Libya could be transformed into a hell, Gaddafi warned rebels against a civilian population as an apocalyptic scenario.
However, the orgy of violence in Libya will not remain without consequences. The human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) warned, would be expected that all the commanders and members of the Libyan security forces and all foreign fighters under international law with criminal prosecution for the unlawful use of force and firearms.
"The world is watching you, 'the human rights advocates. Every policeman, soldier, and foreign militants should be warned. "There is no immunity, even if acting on your command. You have a duty to refuse illegal orders to obey," the human rights organization called on the still loyal to Gaddafi units.

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