Where Did Everyone Go?
More than 10 million Americans moved from one county to another during 2008. The map below visualizes those moves. Click on any county to see comings and goings: black lines indicate net inward movement, red lines net outward movement.
Struggling neighborhoods pocked by empty homes and vacant blocks affect the entire region's economic fabric, pointing to cities such as Detroit and Cleveland that have had difficulty attracting reinvestment because of neighborhood blight.
It affects whether businesses decide whether they're going to move to this area.
It affects whether businesses decide whether they're going to move to this area.
In fact, here's a cool website attached to Forbes.com that shows where people are moving to and from. Be sure you check out the "Chicago," "Los Angeles," and "Detroit" buttons on the lower left side of the map - the red lines mean "Leaving Town." Ouch.

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