Anonymous hacked by another group
The hacker group Anonymous, according to one of its members is now itself become the victim of an attack: The IRC (Internet Relay Chat, note) server, the (former) main medium of communication has been hacked.
"Anonymous is now completely uncoordinated way. Nobody knows what happened, or better: what will happen now, "the source tells the news agency United Kingdom ..
The problem for Anonymous: As the members - to just "anonymous" to stay - cherish no personal contact with each other to spread, they can share any new information or as the domain to a new IRC server.
Have to attack the Hacker Team "team poison" known. From that were on the Internet the personal information of the key members of the hacker group Anonymous and "Lulzsec" published. Were also posted the login This data, including user password.
team poison: rivalry with Anonymous
Not exactly flattering, "describesTeam Poison"Anonymous and Lulzsec as" underexposed complete idiots ". Both were not a real hacker, but were made of" Script Kiddies. "This refers to users who have no idea how real hacking tools and even programmed to simply download tools from the Internet," to occur so great. "
Anonymous I just DDOS attacks (Distributed Denial of Service - overloading of infrastructure systems by a concentrated attack on the server or servers, the Note) executed, which was not difficult.

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