'Words With Friends' Game Saves Australian Man's Life
When Beth Legler began playing the popular Scrabble-like mobile game Words With Friends with Georgie and Simon Fletcher from Queensland, Australia, little did she know, it would end up saving a man's life.
While playing the game, Georgie contacted Beth through the game's internal chat function to tell her that Simon was ill and described his symptoms, according to KCTV 5.
Luckily for Simon, Beth shared the information with her husband, Larry, who is a doctor. After hearing of the symptoms, Larry told Simon to head to a hospital immediately.
When he got to the hospital, doctors told Simon he had a 99 percent blockage near his heart and, had he not come to the hospital that day, he most likely would have died.
"He definitely saved my life," Simon Fletcher told Australia's Ten Queensland News. "I was days away from not being here."
Georgie, Simon's wife, also expressed her gratitude for the life-saving medical advice.
"It was almost like I was meant to, you know, pick Beth as a random opponent," Georgie told the station. "... She saved me from being a widow."
Though it may be the most inspirational, this isn't the first time the popular game has made headlines.
Last month, actor Alec Baldwin was booted off of an American airlines flight after he reportedly refused to stop playing the game during the plane's departure.

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