Girl Scout Cookie Tracker, Girl Scout Cookie Tracker, Girl Scout Cookie Tracker!
Like any good junkie we've been feenin' for the mouth watering, moist and delicious taste of Girl Scout Cookies for a year now. The mere thought of that burst of coconut from a Samoa or that cool rush of mint and chocolate from a Thin Mint sends us into tail spin, and though we did throw some in our freezer every year, they didn't even make it until the end of the month.
For those of us that don't have a friend with a daughter hustling her way to the top of her Girl Scout troop, these cookies can be extremely hard to find, and that ain't no good. We are here to tell you that you need not worry anymore because the Girl Scout Cookie Locator for iPhone is here! This handy, dandy little app is designed to tell you the closest place to grab a few of those delicious boxes of cookie goodness with the push of a button.
Simply type in your city and state or your zip code and let it know when you'd like to buy a box (or ten), and a list of locations and times where these brave girls take to the streets in the cold to hock their wares pops up straight away. You can sort the locations alphabetically, by the date, proximity or view locations on a map. You can also set up alerts to track your favorite cookies in your area, which can be sent to either your phone or your email.
For those of you who don't have a smart phone, you can still find your beloved sweet snack via the interwebs on the Girl Scout Cookie Finder web site. This site enables you to find when, where plus set up email alterts to find these little ladies in action.
We've tried both the web site and the App and we found both to be very effective. With the use of either technology you can find your cookie and eat it too.

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